Friday, January 9, 2015

Jack Says Thank You

First, I should have done this a long time ago, but you can get updates on our blog through email by looking at the top right of the blog.

Jackson has been getting so many presents.  Ever since we got home on December 20th, we have been jokingly telling him, "It won't be like this every day."  This past Friday, January 2nd, I think the flow of gifts finally stopped......for now.

On January 2nd, we got a box delivered that was addressed from William McNeill to Jack Paul.  William is Jack's friend who was adopted a year ago.  We actually got to FaceTime with William and his family a few days ago.  The McNeill's have been such an encouragement to us.  William's dad first called us the day before we left for China.  He told us how much his son has missed Jack, and shared their experience from when they went to get William.  It helped prepare us and the fact that they have been praying for us was so uplifting.  William's mom recently shared with Brandy about her first year, and it is so eerie how much Brandy's experience is a paralleled to hers.  Needless to say, we thank God for the McNeill's.

Jack was especially thankful on Friday.  There were so many little happies in the package from William, but a few stood out to me.  I don't know if William just GETS Jack, or if he has been keeping up with our posts about Jack to the point he knew exactly what to get him.

The number one item in the box was Ultraman.  If you followed our posts in China, Jack was over the moon when I bought him a Ultraman figure.  There are quite a few funny stories that went along with that action figure.  Jack's sheer excitement was something I'll never forget.  Then, there was the night where Jack, out of nowhere, tossed Ultraman in the river before we went on the river cruise in Guangzhou.  Our guide Kathy explained he wouldn't get it back, and he was totally fine with it.  I couldn't believe it after he was so excited to get it.  Then, I was sad because I thought, maybe he wasn't worried because he's never really had his own toys that he could keep.  Another Ultraman story is literally a sore subject for Brandy.  After Ultraman became Aquaman, there was still a large sword left that came with the toy.  One particularly frustrating night was topped off when Jack asked for his Ultraman sword as Brandy laid him down for bed.  Being the nice mom she is, Brandy handed the sword to Jack.  As she laid him down, he jabbed the sword up her nose.  As Brandy yelled in pain, she looked down to see Jack smiling.  He knew he hurt Mama, and he thought it was funny.  Needless to say, it was a while before Brandy could laugh about it.  The sword soon mysteriously disappeared.  Until William's package arrived, we thought we'd never see Ultraman again.

Jack got several more items including a Cars bubble maker and a Lightning McQueen that has become Jack's favorite toy car.

He also got a LeapFrog movie and several more items.  I had been saying for several days that I needed to get him an airplane, because he kept talking about them ever since we flew on one in China.  Well, you can see in the picture above that William came through for Jack on that one.

Thank you so much to all who brought or sent Jack gifts.  He is enjoying everything so much, and it has truly helped him enjoy his new home.  Thank you so much to all of you who have been following us on our journey.  It's been so much easier knowing we have not been going through this alone.  When we set out on what God was calling us, we had no idea what we were in for.  Every step of the way, we have trusted His perfect will.  God is teaching us more about Himself every day.  God has blessed us so much already.

Since Christmas and New Year's, we have just been settling into our new life, and trying to figure out our new routine.  Tomorrow, January 10, Brandy and I will attempt to go on our first date without Jack since the adoption.  Say a prayer that Jack does not get too freaked out about us leaving.  Hopefully his cousins will keep him entertained enough to where he doesn't miss us too bad.  Next Wednesday, Jack goes in for his first visit with his pediatrician.  Pray that everything goes well there, and that we are able to take him outside a bit more once he's had some vaccines.  Please keep praying for us, and please come visit us sometime.  Jack is so friendly and ready to meet you.  While you are at it, pray for some warmer weather.  Brandy, Jack, and I are so ready for some Spring weather.  It's been tough having to stay cooped up so much.

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