Monday, January 12, 2015

Jack Likes to Mow It Mow It

Below is the end of the last blog update:

Since Christmas and New Year's, we have just been settling into our new life, and trying to figure out our new routine.  Tomorrow, January 10, Brandy and I will attempt to go on our first date without Jack since the adoption.  Say a prayer that Jack does not get too freaked out about us leaving.  Hopefully his cousins will keep him entertained enough to where he doesn't miss us too bad.  Next Wednesday, Jack goes in for his first visit with his pediatrician.  Pray that everything goes well there, and that we are able to take him outside a bit more once he's had some vaccines.  Please keep praying for us, and please come visit us sometime.  Jack is so friendly and ready to meet you.  While you are at it, pray for some warmer weather.  Brandy, Jack, and I are so ready for some Spring weather.  It's been tough having to stay cooped up so much.

I just want to thank God for some prayers answered, and give a short update on the fam.  
JoAnna came over on Saturday with the kids, and we got to go on our date.  Jo says Jack didn't even ask about us.  That morning we distracted him with a bath while Brandy went to Wal-Mart.  It was only the second time he had been without her.  He did great both times.
There is an obvious language barrier when there is a two-year-old and a boy who speaks Chinese, but there is no fun barrier.  Although, Jack does look annoyed in this photo.

Please, Brandy, let me give him a mohawk.

Date prayer answered Saturday.  Outside prayer answered Sunday.

He looks good in a hat.

We tried to prepare ourselves for a kid who was afraid of grass and had never been outside.  We weren't prepared for a kid who loves to ride on the lawn mower.  He practically fell asleep in my arms.

Not only does Jack like to mow it, but he likes to move it move it, too.  You can see that a fall and bump is no deterrent to shaking his rump.

We still have the pediatrician appointment on Wednesday, but Brandy had to make another appointment for Tuesday.  The mommy radar had been going off, because Brandy noticed something that smelled like metal.  She figured out it was Jack's breath, and I thought it might be a sign of a cavity or an infected gum.  Mommy radar was proven right when Jack had a piece of tooth fall out of his mouth while coloring.  He goes to the dentist today, and pediatrician tomorrow.  Jack's done great with everything else so far, but we are concerned parents, and pray he stays tough throughout the next couple of days.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Jack Says Thank You

First, I should have done this a long time ago, but you can get updates on our blog through email by looking at the top right of the blog.

Jackson has been getting so many presents.  Ever since we got home on December 20th, we have been jokingly telling him, "It won't be like this every day."  This past Friday, January 2nd, I think the flow of gifts finally stopped......for now.

On January 2nd, we got a box delivered that was addressed from William McNeill to Jack Paul.  William is Jack's friend who was adopted a year ago.  We actually got to FaceTime with William and his family a few days ago.  The McNeill's have been such an encouragement to us.  William's dad first called us the day before we left for China.  He told us how much his son has missed Jack, and shared their experience from when they went to get William.  It helped prepare us and the fact that they have been praying for us was so uplifting.  William's mom recently shared with Brandy about her first year, and it is so eerie how much Brandy's experience is a paralleled to hers.  Needless to say, we thank God for the McNeill's.

Jack was especially thankful on Friday.  There were so many little happies in the package from William, but a few stood out to me.  I don't know if William just GETS Jack, or if he has been keeping up with our posts about Jack to the point he knew exactly what to get him.

The number one item in the box was Ultraman.  If you followed our posts in China, Jack was over the moon when I bought him a Ultraman figure.  There are quite a few funny stories that went along with that action figure.  Jack's sheer excitement was something I'll never forget.  Then, there was the night where Jack, out of nowhere, tossed Ultraman in the river before we went on the river cruise in Guangzhou.  Our guide Kathy explained he wouldn't get it back, and he was totally fine with it.  I couldn't believe it after he was so excited to get it.  Then, I was sad because I thought, maybe he wasn't worried because he's never really had his own toys that he could keep.  Another Ultraman story is literally a sore subject for Brandy.  After Ultraman became Aquaman, there was still a large sword left that came with the toy.  One particularly frustrating night was topped off when Jack asked for his Ultraman sword as Brandy laid him down for bed.  Being the nice mom she is, Brandy handed the sword to Jack.  As she laid him down, he jabbed the sword up her nose.  As Brandy yelled in pain, she looked down to see Jack smiling.  He knew he hurt Mama, and he thought it was funny.  Needless to say, it was a while before Brandy could laugh about it.  The sword soon mysteriously disappeared.  Until William's package arrived, we thought we'd never see Ultraman again.

Jack got several more items including a Cars bubble maker and a Lightning McQueen that has become Jack's favorite toy car.

He also got a LeapFrog movie and several more items.  I had been saying for several days that I needed to get him an airplane, because he kept talking about them ever since we flew on one in China.  Well, you can see in the picture above that William came through for Jack on that one.

Thank you so much to all who brought or sent Jack gifts.  He is enjoying everything so much, and it has truly helped him enjoy his new home.  Thank you so much to all of you who have been following us on our journey.  It's been so much easier knowing we have not been going through this alone.  When we set out on what God was calling us, we had no idea what we were in for.  Every step of the way, we have trusted His perfect will.  God is teaching us more about Himself every day.  God has blessed us so much already.

Since Christmas and New Year's, we have just been settling into our new life, and trying to figure out our new routine.  Tomorrow, January 10, Brandy and I will attempt to go on our first date without Jack since the adoption.  Say a prayer that Jack does not get too freaked out about us leaving.  Hopefully his cousins will keep him entertained enough to where he doesn't miss us too bad.  Next Wednesday, Jack goes in for his first visit with his pediatrician.  Pray that everything goes well there, and that we are able to take him outside a bit more once he's had some vaccines.  Please keep praying for us, and please come visit us sometime.  Jack is so friendly and ready to meet you.  While you are at it, pray for some warmer weather.  Brandy, Jack, and I are so ready for some Spring weather.  It's been tough having to stay cooped up so much.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

First Days: Brandy's Perspective

Hey everyone! This is Brandy, I have left the updates mostly to TJ however I wanted to share from my POV on everything that is Jack. Jackson James is doing extremely well considering how his life has changed. His English is coming along to where he can communicate to us what he needs/wants. We watch Danial Tiger, Curious George (monkey, as he calls it), he loves the movie Madagascar (he will start to sing "I like to move it, move it" when he wants to watch it) and we also sing a lot of nursery rhymes to help with his English. He does not mind my horrible singing voice either.  The first couple of weeks Jack would eat whatever we put in front of him and a lot of it! He has started to be more picky about what he eats. I was told that is a good sign because he knows he will always get food now. Also he is not eating as much. He gives the best hugs and kisses too. He will come up to me and say "I lobe wuv so much!" with a kiss. (melt heart) He does test us to see where the boundaries are, which we would think something was wrong if he didn't. He test TJ more than me for whatever reason. They have had some stand off and I am happy to report that the parents have won them all so far! LOL He is sleeping awesome. The last couple of night he has slept through the whole night. If you could see my face when I say that you would see pure joy! However a few night back he had a sleep of night terrors, crying and fighting in his sleep. I just sat with him talking to him in soothing tones and touches. I don't know if he knew if I were there or not however it did seem to help. Hopefully that was just one night and like I said he has been doing GREAT other than that one night. I feel like he is learning what a Mama and Daddy are and that we are that to him. He does not call anybody else Mama like he did before and he knows to come to us is he needs/wants something. When we first got home if Jack got hurt he would not tell me. I would find a bruise on his head. etc and have no idea what happen! Now he comes to me, for the most part, if he just trips. I think he likes having someone to run to just for a hug. Jack does not like for me to leave him. I tries to go to church a couple of Sunday ago, he stood by the door and would not let me leave. Even though I wanted church something bad and thought that TJ and him could use some time together I listen to motherly gut and did not go. I felt like it was too soon, I want him to feel secure in me. Howevr I did leave him this last Sunday for about 15 mins to go to the gro. store just to pick a few things. TJ said he was upset but TJ and him went outside to play until I came home so he was happy for the most part. We will just do it in baby steps. For my health and sanity this Saturday TJ and I are going on a date. We will be home in time to put Jack to bed. TJ and I just NEED some us time. Jack and I cannot get out much until we see the DR and with the flu being so bad we are trying to make the best out of our home. So if anybody has any ideas of fun stuff to do for a 4 year old at home please let me know. I know this long however I wanted to fill you all in! To God be the Glory!! He has brought us such a wonderful little boy and we thank him everyday!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Jack's 1st Christmas & New Year

In the days since Jack has first arrived home, he has been adapting to his new life like a champ.  Only four days after coming home, Jack got to experience Junk Food Night with Brandy's family.  It didn't take long for us to feel the shift of favoritism immediately transfer to the grandson/nephew.  We also got to go to the land in Star and Uncle Mark's house on Christmas Day.  Over the past few days, Jack has been getting more presents than I think Brandy and I ever got combined.  He hasn't been corrupted yet, so he loves everything from pajamas to his electric car.

I mentioned earlier about Jack adjusting so well. He's already started to push the limits with Mama and Daddy.  In this picture, Brandy told him he couldn't eat in the living room, and had to eat in the dining room.  He's already living on the edge.

Just a few days before New Year's, Jack got his first haircut from Bizzy in Star.  As with everything else, he did awesome.  He has been such a big boy handling everything from his physical in China to his haircut in Star.

Jack got to spend some time with his cousin, Emma, at the Mississippi Children's Museum.

New Year's was very different for the Paul family this year.  We decided not to interrupt his sleep schedule, so the three of us opted to stay home on New Year's Eve.  Jack went to bed around his regular time, so Brandy and I could stay up and celebrate the New Year with just the two of us.  We put on a movie, and I passed out around 9:30.  Brandy stayed up a little later, but we were both out early enough to be wakened by fireworks around 11:45.  I asked Brandy if she wanted to stay up for fifteen minutes to bring in the New Year.  She responded with a grunt, so we both went back to bed.

This is how we spent New Year's

Two of the sweetest moments for me came through two FaceTime phone calls we made with Jack.  The first call was the Sunday after Christmas.  A friend of Jack who is now named William has been telling his parents that the thing he misses most about China is Jack.  William got to see and talk to his friend for the first time since he was adopted a year ago.  William's family, who lives in Tennessee has been praying for Jack.  William even got to pray for Jack just before we said goodbye. 

Another good friend of Jack's is Mr. Dave Woodhouse.  He is a man from Canada, who makes yearly mission trips to Maria's Big House of Hope, where he first met Jack.  We all got to talk to Mr. Dave on New Year's Day.  Dave is a very special man, and Jack means more to him than we may ever know.  He seemed very happy that Jack was a part of our family. 

We are up to the challenge of loving Jack in a way that gives his friends happiness and peace.  Both of Jack's FaceTime phone calls were very special to the people who got to see him, but it was very special for me as well.  It toasts my heart to know that Jack has had people that have loved him even before he entered our lives.