Wednesday, January 7, 2015

First Days: Brandy's Perspective

Hey everyone! This is Brandy, I have left the updates mostly to TJ however I wanted to share from my POV on everything that is Jack. Jackson James is doing extremely well considering how his life has changed. His English is coming along to where he can communicate to us what he needs/wants. We watch Danial Tiger, Curious George (monkey, as he calls it), he loves the movie Madagascar (he will start to sing "I like to move it, move it" when he wants to watch it) and we also sing a lot of nursery rhymes to help with his English. He does not mind my horrible singing voice either.  The first couple of weeks Jack would eat whatever we put in front of him and a lot of it! He has started to be more picky about what he eats. I was told that is a good sign because he knows he will always get food now. Also he is not eating as much. He gives the best hugs and kisses too. He will come up to me and say "I lobe wuv so much!" with a kiss. (melt heart) He does test us to see where the boundaries are, which we would think something was wrong if he didn't. He test TJ more than me for whatever reason. They have had some stand off and I am happy to report that the parents have won them all so far! LOL He is sleeping awesome. The last couple of night he has slept through the whole night. If you could see my face when I say that you would see pure joy! However a few night back he had a sleep of night terrors, crying and fighting in his sleep. I just sat with him talking to him in soothing tones and touches. I don't know if he knew if I were there or not however it did seem to help. Hopefully that was just one night and like I said he has been doing GREAT other than that one night. I feel like he is learning what a Mama and Daddy are and that we are that to him. He does not call anybody else Mama like he did before and he knows to come to us is he needs/wants something. When we first got home if Jack got hurt he would not tell me. I would find a bruise on his head. etc and have no idea what happen! Now he comes to me, for the most part, if he just trips. I think he likes having someone to run to just for a hug. Jack does not like for me to leave him. I tries to go to church a couple of Sunday ago, he stood by the door and would not let me leave. Even though I wanted church something bad and thought that TJ and him could use some time together I listen to motherly gut and did not go. I felt like it was too soon, I want him to feel secure in me. Howevr I did leave him this last Sunday for about 15 mins to go to the gro. store just to pick a few things. TJ said he was upset but TJ and him went outside to play until I came home so he was happy for the most part. We will just do it in baby steps. For my health and sanity this Saturday TJ and I are going on a date. We will be home in time to put Jack to bed. TJ and I just NEED some us time. Jack and I cannot get out much until we see the DR and with the flu being so bad we are trying to make the best out of our home. So if anybody has any ideas of fun stuff to do for a 4 year old at home please let me know. I know this long however I wanted to fill you all in! To God be the Glory!! He has brought us such a wonderful little boy and we thank him everyday!

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