Thursday, March 7, 2013

Let's Get Physicals

Big week this week.  On Tuesday, we mailed our adoption application to our agency, New Beginnings (  Before that, though, we had to fill out the sixteen page application, and answer all types of questions ranging from our net worth to who would take the child if anything ever happened to us.  We also each had to get physicals.  The good news is, according to the doctors, we are physically qualified to handle being parents.  Yes, we are able to walk fifty feet without shortness of breath, and neither of us has Tuberculosis, yay.  I kept thinking, ANYBODY can get pregnant, but you have to pass all kinds of tests just to adopt. What if everyone had to be approved before they could have their own children too?

We got our physicals at Richland Primary Care.  The nurses there were very excited and very encouraging of our adoption.  I think they see plenty of sick people, and found us to be a nice change of pace.  They were all very friendly.  Brandy got her physical a few days before me.  So, when I got there they already knew all about our adoption.  One girl told me how Brandy was so pretty and so sweet.  I already knew that, but its nice when other people think so too.

Since we went public, the amount of support we have received has been, well, amazing!  God has already been assuring us that we are doing the right thing, but to know that we have so many people who are happy for us is really awesome.  Within twenty minutes of posting our blog, we got our first donation!  We are even establishing connections with people who can help guide us through the process.  We hope you continue to follow along with us on the journey, and we hope that our story might encourage someone else to either adopt a child or support adoption in some way.

Now, we wait for the agency to review our application.  Then, they will assign a social worker to us.  I'm told that this is an interesting and intrusive process, but we have resolved to be open books.  Let's pray for a supportive social worker, and pray that Brandy and I just keep focused on the goal throughout the whole process.

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