I just wanted to share a few updates by Brandy that were posted on our FB page https://www.facebook.com/pauladoption , but not here.
January 31st
We had our soup supper fundraiser that we blogged about earlier.
Brandy posted this about it:
We cannot express the joy we feel because of the amount of support that you all have shown us during this adoption. When we sat down to discuss our next fund raiser and decided to do the Soup Supper we had an amount that we would like to make (God willing) to make the hard work "worth it". God and you guys shown up BIG TIME! We almost doubled what our goal was for the Soup Supper!! God is awesome! And we give Him all the glory and want to thank you all that supported us through prayers, donating and/or stopping by on Friday! Each day God is showing us that this is what His will is for us!
T.J. and Brandy
T.J. and Brandy
February 1st
You can see some of them here - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.663240687067010.1073741831.516369861754094&type=1
February 7th
We are turning in our last paperwork for the Home Study TONIGHT!!! Then we are done with this HUGE step! This is such a relief for us! We still have our Dossier to finish however that is a lot of repetitive info that we have already filled out for the Home Study and getting that info notarized by the state. So we should, hopefully, be able to finish that quickly. Also we now can start applying for grants. So please pray with us for God to open doors. We are def feeling the excitement of the next stage. Even though we still have a lot of waiting time ahead of us, we are getting our home and hearts ready for our little addition. Love you all and thank you again for being there for us through this journey!
T.J. and Brandy
T.J. and Brandy
February 18th
Asking you all to lift us up a little higher right now. Home Study has been approve (YAY) however our agency is wanting us to change some things that are very important to us about our child. We are getting in touch with our agency to dig a little deeper on why. However in the meantime we need our prayer warriors to get to praying that this will be an easy fix. We will update you all as soon as we know something! Thanks!
T.J. and Brandy
T.J. and Brandy
Talked to our agency and everything worked out! Thanks for the prayers! One step closer!
T.J. and Brandy
T.J. and Brandy
March 17th
Sorry it has been a minute since we last updated however we have been crazy busy. We are done with our Home Study however when we received it last week we notice while reading it over that there were some information that were written wrong. This is upsetting news because what we have to do next (Dossier and Immigration approval) are needing this Home Study. When you adopt international ALL paper HAS to match up or China will kick it out. We called our social worker and she is rewriting it right away. Hopefully we should have it back in a week or two. On a brighter note we are done painting our child's room this past weekend. I know it might be early however we were painting other parts of the house so we decided to get that room done also. It's a pretty light grey color that will go with any color depending on the sex of our child. I walked in that room and saw the bare walls waiting for picture, drapes etc I couldn't help to think that one day it will be filled with toys, laughter and a very special child that God picked to be our baby! This journey has its up and downs however the day I get to hold my sweet child I know this will all be worth it! Love you all. Thank you again and again for all your support!
March 20th
I have been trying to write Thank You notes to you all that have helped in some way and I am sure I have missed some! This is not because we are not thankful. Just the opposite, we are overwhelm with thankfulness and humbled by the kindness you each have shown us! I am still busy writing thank you notes, I just wanted you all to know that I know God is HUGE and thank Him everyday for softening each one of your hearts towards us! Thank you each for your prayers, donations, and encouragement!
March 22nd
Update on the Home Study that we had to send back because it was written wrong. We got the proof last night and everything looks correct. Now we are waiting on the copies to be mailed to us so we can send our Dossier and Immigration forms. After that it is a waiting game until we are match with our child. We just hope and pray that everything goes smoothly! Taking it one day at a time and trusting in God's timing!